6 Week Gentle Detox Program
Why wait for spring to restore your vitality? Winter is the perfect time to take it slow and cleanse the body of the ever growing amount of toxins found in our everyday environment, foods and water.
We have created a gentle program that you will be guided through for 6 weeks, with a series of virtual 1:1 consultations with a qualified health practitioner, designed to create lasting changes rather than shocking the body with extreme calorie restriction.
We focus on supporting the body’s natural detox pathways, starting slowly to prepare the body to draw accumulated toxins from the tissues by optimising digestion, healing the gut , implementing diet and lifestyle changes, and repletion of nutrients.
This approach is important to minimise “die-off” symptoms such as headaches and ensure toxins are not reabsorbed.
With each 1:1 you will be provided with a specifically tailored protocol to follow for each phase including meal plans, as well as instructions for taking the supplements supplied.
What is included in the value exchange?
4 x 1:1 virtual consultations
All supplements to support you specifically tailored to your individual needs
Detox food guide and menu suggestions
Recipe cards
Personalised treatment protocol each session covering each stage of the program
A Bach flower remedy tailored to you
Journalling prompts, affirmations, and meditation links to support the journey